Pukemiro Station
Pukemiro Station is a mixed breeding and finishing property which is typically Summer dry. The hills are home to 5,500 Romney breeding ewes and 125 Hereford/Friesian cross breeding cows. The flats and rolling country are utilised to finish all lambs and calves bred at Pukemiro and Otawa.
Additional bulls and trade lambs purchased as the season allows and utilise a variety of forage crops grown on the property. The majority of stock work is completed using vehicles, however horses are utilised at times (e.g. docking and cattle work) and provide recreational opportunities for staff and cadets in weekends and after hours.

Otawa is located in the summer safe district of Coonoor, 30 minutes South East of Pukemiro.
The replacement ewe lambs are transferred from Pukemiro to Otawa in late January where they are grown out to produce a lamb as a hogget. They return to Pukemiro as a two tooth the following Autumn.
The majority of lambs and calves bred at Otawa are sent to Pukemiro for finishing.
The farm is run by a Block Manager who lives out on the farm and the second year Cadets spend a week at a time on farm.